Picking, packing and advance ship notes

Creating an ASN - Advance ship note
Some retailers for example Coles and Metcash require you to send an advanced ship note (ASN) and use SSCC labels. For non-cross doc, Woolworths do not requ...
Creating a Pick Request for a 3PL
If you are using a 3PL for Coles follow these instructions. Log on to MessageXchange/FormXchange, and chose the FormXchange project. Click on the OUT Tra...
How to pack the ASN - Advance ship note
While creating the ASN Choose the appropriate Pack Type. If you received store quantities on the purchase order, choose the Store for which you wish to p...
How to auto-pack the ASN - Advance ship note
While creating the ASN Choose the appropriate Pack Type. Enter the Maximum Quantity per Pack Type in the Units per Pack. Click Auto Create.
How can I print the SSCC labels?
While creating or viewing the ASN, Choose your label size of A4, A5 or A6 and click Print Labels to view and print SSCC labels.  Choose the labels you wi...
How can I print the Pick List?
The pick list may help you to know what to pack in each pack (e.g. carton). The SSCC number is also printed on the pick list and the SSCC label so you’ll kn...
When can I print the Pick List?
You can only print the pick list while you are creating the ASN. Once the ASN is created and sent, you are no longer able to print the Pick List.
How can I print the delivery docket?
While viewing the sent ASN you can click on (B) Print Docket.
Woolworths ASN for Vendor Prepared Cross Dock (VPXD)
For Woolworths VPXD you can create an ASN following the steps in create ASN  On the ASN create page, you will find few new fields specific for Woolworths V...