Connect to Xero
- Navigate to the software integration page by choosing your service and registering or confirming your registration for FormXchange
- For new users, click register to get there
- For existing users, click home in the top menu, then billing plans on the left
- Click the button to connect to Xero
- You'll be re-directed to Xero, where you'll need to login, if you haven't already
- Click allow access to give MessageXchange the ability to connect to your Xero account
- You'll be re-directed back to MessageXchange
Match your contacts to your FormXchange retailers
This will allow us to create the invoice in Xero for the correct contact. Only the invoices for the FormXchange retailers matched in this step will be sent to Xero.
- Use the search field in the top right of the table to find your Xero contact
- Select the corresponding retailer in the retailer column
- If you have setup each store as a customer in Xero, then select the store in the right hand column. If you can't find the store in the list, just type in the store's GLN.
- If you have setup each store as a customer in Xero, then select the store in the right hand column. If you can't find the store in the list, just type in the store's GLN.
- Tick the checkbox to acknowledge the subscription term and click next
Add your Xero product IDs to the FormXchange product catalogue
This will allow us to match the line item to the correct product in Xero. If a product isn't matched, the invoice will appear in Xero as a draft.
- Navigate to your product catalogue by clicking product in the top menu and then product catalogue in the left menu
- Follow the steps in this article to add your products
- For each product that you add, include the Xero product ID as the item code
- We'll use the default account code for that product in Xero. But if you'd like to overwrite it, you can select the account code to use in the product catalogue.
Keen to know how the integration works? Click here to find out.